The Classic
Cup Cafe
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Since 1977, we have delivered a rich experience that has tantalized the taste buds of thousands of satisfied customers. We are known for our great views and our delectable food. Our award-winning chefs offer you invigorating cooking, served with fresh local ingredients, and our classic recipes to ensure your continued satisfaction. Find out what all of the buzz is about on the Plaza!
Why should people eat at the Classic Cup? We continue to cook as much local and sustainable agriculture as we possibly can. We try to be inventive with our world-based contemporary cuisine -- changing it every day. Best of all, our energy is good & positive, and it's reflected in the food.
What kind of experience can people expect at the Classic Cup? You'll have a great experience in service, atmosphere, food, and not be concerned with those aspects of your dining experience, enabling you to enjoy the company of your friends. You’ll walk away wanting to come back.
What kind of customers do you have? We have a variety of customers because of our location and we’ve been around so long. The Cup has a lot of people who are interested in the arts and sports. The plaza tends to have people that come from all over the world, and that's reflected at our location.